Best way to host a multimedia server

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Joined: 30 Aug 2021, 13:01
Full Name: AndresonJemmie

Best way to host a multimedia server

Post by AndresonJemmie »

I want to create a web server that will allow users to download content (mp3 + pdf files). The web server will include basic search features and should not require more than 2GB of RAM (so can efficiently be hosted on AWS with minimal cost). What is the best way to store the media which can be downloaded across geographies? I want to store around 2TB of media files and expect similar download traffic per month.

I was earlier thinking of using EC2 + S3 given the minimal EC2 requirements but realized that retrieving S3 files over the internet is costly. I need a more cost effective way to store 2TB of content that can be downloaded from the internet. I don't care that much about the latency, it is okay even if it is a bit slow.

PS: None of the data is pirated.

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